There were 7 of us on Saturday, 3 on Sunday Mar 18, 1/me on Monday Mar 19 and 3 on Tue Mar 20 (this time with no camera).
Here is what the sky looked like on Sunday March 18:

The moon was difficult to see at first.
Matching exposures to pick up all three:
Moon lower left, Venus centre and Mercury between the red lines
To show how rapidly the moon moves relative to the line Venus - Mercury, I took some images from the earthobservatory blog: as seen from Spain 6 hours earlier:
by Annie Lewis in Madrid.
From Lakeland Florida:
by Michael Holland.
Mine when the moon was 34h 57m old:
The angle to the horizton is a function of the latitude of the observer - I was further north than Michael Holland in Florida.
And finally from Mike Morrison in Seattle Washington, approx 3 hours later:
So the moon does move!
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