Wednesday 18 September 2024

Concise was 373 words

 So my bro wrote his piece for love and money, and I am caught out, so to speak.

I forgot to "shoot the Sun " to know where I am. And I was almost "victimized" by a Turkey Vulture for paddling too slowly, like I wasn't "with it".

So I went out this morning to see if satellites see what I see:

And mine - with a different orientation, 3 "feet" on the ground:

Imagine rotating this image from "6 PM" clockwise to "8PM" and then the sunspot groupings will match.


8% and non alcholic!

 In April one was disappointed at 99% and tonight under warm skies, if not exactly clear - almost, and better than most nights here in Ontario where good things might grow if the Green Belt were protected and highways and byways weren't ploughed  through to developers' real estate, there was max of 8%:

I thought the umbra was quite dark, and even the penumbra I imagined was noticeable.

No time to reduce, or even look at last night/Monday's aurora sequence. Must try to see the Sun tomorrow before the active regions rotate from sight.


Tuesday 17 September 2024

Aurora alert

 In the middle of a football game, also a baseball game, I looked to see if had new submissions for me. No, but there was an aurora alert - from Edmonton . already at 10PM!

Sceptical, because the Moon was up and bright, I went onto the balcony and had a look.

You can see we are "covered".

Here are just a very few of the images my Nikon recorded:

I'll reduce the rest someday but won't promise now, well past midnight to post then or

announce they have been posted. And I have completed the 164 new submissions from

And to all a good night,