Saturday, 27 February 2016

Part II from friday

Let the curtain rise on Act II:

This had to be yesterday because to day (Sat) was plus 5C, Nevertheless -  welcome to Tudhope:

Darth Vador vs Phatom of the Opera:

Stage lighting by the red-headed fairy:

I have been reading TS Eliot:

Greeting old friends in the interval:

And then good-bye

Hope to return again soon.

                                    W O B

Friday, 26 February 2016

Thursday, 25 February 2016

And the visibility was - variable as in "RU Lupi", a real variable star

The rain in Spain is fine but the Spanish "Orillia" did not like what it got today - the plain was below zero,
and this caused problems. I dare say we were still lucky - parts of Montreal looked more like the Seaway.

The next will make sense to those who made the water droplets in May 2013:

And the NF made a suggestr which I could not carry out because the roads were bad. I hope NF will accept these as a token of the idea:

Lots of inspiration related to and flowing from water.


Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Today's weather brings to mind a day 4 years ago

Today had to be seen to be believed - and most of Germany slept through it so here is a replay.

First what happens around zero C:

Can you see Lake Simcoe above Toronto and right/East of the bottom of Georgian Bay?

The picture below was taken between snow storms which had visibility around 500m. And while it was just raining and the visibility was 10K:

The weather network had a photo taken at little Higjh Falls and here is mine:

And the ice below it looked like this:

That was Jan 30, 2012. Doesn't that look a little like this:

taken last July from New Horizons flybe of Pluto?
For comparison - maybe - in my photo the rafts are order 30cm, and on Pluto 30km?

And a last memory:


Monday, 22 February 2016

I was up at dawn today

Nothing special - luck happens!

Rama right above,
Leacock, left below:

That brief magic moment:

The rink made by Owen and Evan . how long will it last?

And those moments of youth, and winter, and dawn are gone:


Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Sunday, 14 February 2016

This little piggy went to market

Happy Valentines, Happy Family
                  D A Y

Green Jelly Three Little pigs 

went to ---- the Orillia Deli bakery with me today. Front-Atherley and Queen
across from the CN tourist bust stop.

We were down to our last stale roll and I thougjht my significant better other deserved fresh.
So out I went into the cold 

It was a beautiful day, maybe a touch of frost and a wee tiny bit of wind chill:

The bakery was giving away ginger snap hearts for valentine heros - like myself! Actually the day itself was its own reward. So I got Vicki some Nanaimos - her current weakness - for our afternoon brain food. On the way back I saw some icicles hanging from the old station eves - complete  with water droplets and that at -20C is a miracle.

W O B                                                                                                            

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Dreams of Summer

Too  much one-sided.

So here is my true love, up close:

or maybe something on cedar