Friday, 17 January 2025

Maybe lazy?

 I had not realized the interest in the lunar occultation of Mars this past  Monday until I received letters from Ottawa and Tokyo, incidentally 12 hours ahead of me - thanks, "Hagi"and your students for asking:

I am hard against our building to shelter me and the camera from a cold wind, stronger than a breeze.  When I went out around 8PM/20:00 the Moon was clear and all was well. (Thanks for pointing out that I was "am" not "an" YH. And thanks for reading and writing, too. Make that "YH" - "萩原喜昭” ! )

However, when I returned to start the sequence of "ingression", it had so clouded up that I could not see even a hint of where the Moon might be. So I missed the start. And I was not optimistic about seeing the exit. But still I ought to try.

However, as you will note, I was several minutes late and the occultation was over. That is Mars above and to the right of the Moon;

I did some stretching of the intensity scale as well as colour  - in that first shot of this sequence - to explore possibilities for another time. The last shot is close to what one would see through binoculars. I used my Nikon 1000 to take these images and Paint Shop Pro for "processing".

Thanks for spurring me on - WOB

Monday, 13 January 2025

I used to be apathetic ...

 Now I am a person who gets excited seeing a North American Robin flitting about in a forest.

A month ago I got carried away with a Snowy Owl. Since then I have seen nothing, So you can imagine how I felt the other day when I saw:

These "birds" just don't give a "hoot". Maybe they have been disconnected?

It is a rough life in winter - WOB

Saturday, 11 January 2025

The Trial of Winter

 Your Honour, Winter claims to have been framed:

One talks about wind-chill, but the motion of air can be gentle and bind liquid with solid in what might almost be described as a dance:

The swirl of ice responding to the motion of air is like a ballerina responding to music.

The music continues:

In the previous blog the ice was presented as threatening teeth. However, that is not in keeping with these wild ice forms moulded by Winter's breath;

Dress appropriately and enjoy the sculpture of Winter's breath.


Friday, 10 January 2025

The Teeth of Winter

 It really is about poor insulation.

Too much heat loss - like loosing hair on the head -

Pretty, but also pretty dangerous, too.