Wednesday 29 May 2019

American Pie

These impressions, and there are many, have been filed under UFO. However, I think the bird is an American Tree Swallow, maybe playing in the mud.

I think there is only one and the same bird appearing in all the photos although last year there was definitely a pair. I suspect our "season" is  a couple of weeks late since there is also no sign of the Baskettails hatching - will check again today.


Monday 27 May 2019

Dear Wawa - at foot-bashed-in, a year later

I was returning to the scene of a year ago when I saw a pair of Canada geese and a large number of goslings -

Later I saw a third adult was also swimming near by:

In response to my "Wawa" I have changed the captuon/header from knee to foot.

Wise Ol' Wawa Dad ( aka WOB)

Friday 17 May 2019

Continuous as the stars that shine

I continue to quote from William Wordsworth's poem, "I wandered lonely as a cloud"

Now I will look at some of the variations in white:

The petals may be narrow or round, smooth edge or wavy.

There are more variations than this, but apparently not where I was in the "here and now". Maybe I will be able to return to Durham Wood and see if the variations  seen in 2011(?) are still to be found.

By the wayside of memory recall I have been trying to get the MacBeth quote - it is Dunsinane Hill
and "Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill Shall come against him."

So nothing to do with Durham Forest at all - now I can have my nap - sorry, a holiday this morning!

Wise  Old Bird

I wandered lonely as a cloud

It actually was trying to rain since Kim had applied to be here. However, ...   !

There were a few groups of red trilliums which I will show here:
The reds are among the whites but not as numerous.

The reds appear to be scattered among the whites. There might be an influence from beech trees - or it might just be the nature of this woods, on the floor of what was once a post ice-age lake-

Ten thousand saw I at a glance

It is hard for me to realize how long it has been between entries. 2000+ photos later and I have a mission to communicate some observations I made of trilliums in Scout Valley. The quote is from a
poem by William Wordsworth entitled "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

Now I am anything but a poet. However, I did see close to 10,000 trilliums, maybe not in a single glance but over an interval of an hour  and a hillside. The following shows their state of blooming this year.

More or less: all the whites are trilliums. (There were a few other species with white flowers but not enough to alter the statistics - I haven't showed all the plants.