Tuesday 14 March 2023

Does a micro climate require a macro lens?

 I was playing yesterday - I don't think anyone was looking. Please don't tell.

It seems there was a dusting of snow yesterday, And in her hurry to photograph 

the wonderland, Vicki knocked off one of the 4 flowers growing from her Amaryllis.

She saved it in a red pot. And I felt I would like to try to photograph it - up close - using

my zoom lens, And then I thought why not use my macro. And while I am at it, try bouncing the camera flash off some white paper onto the ceiling to illuminate the flower. Otherwise I used natural light.

But I am not going to tell you what setup was used for each photo - just enjoy the flower.

I took 17 more photos - beware of comments!


Monday 13 March 2023

Winter Triangles

Everyone has heard of the Summer Triangle  but few have thought about Winter Triangles?

So here goes:


 The triangle is in the middle - hope this obvious.

There is some snow - the white patches on the right side. It actually was snowing just a little for most of this session.

So lots of winter triangles - do you count the black ones as well as the white?


Sunday 12 March 2023

I was wearing my hearing aids today - and my sunglasses!

 So much for hearing:

I managed to track him down . or rather up!

And then I was lucky. I could see the bird but it was late afternoon and the bird was in shade - plus I was wearing my shades:

Rather attractive setting.

Rather attractive bird

Wise Old Bird

Monday 6 March 2023

Gotta pick a pocket?

 This blog is the last of 3 for tonight. And it is a recollection of last Thursday,

A friend offered us "cracked corn" to feed the Trumpeters and so we offered it to a friend and this was the result:

You would think they were long lost friends! How to win friends and influence


Wise Ol' Bird!

The Mourning Dove in the Evening

 Their soft melodious calls at twilight alerted me to this scene at home last evening.

The colour is in part from the setting Sun behind me.

Then I noticed:

No! That is not the Sun! - That is the Moon and I did move just a little to have it as a backdrop.

I did have to move just a little.Mourning dove




The Eagles have landed

 I still do not have a definitive ID for the Cooper-Sharp-shin. However, I think we can agree that the following is about the Bald-headed Eagle pair on "Jim's" farm.

"Jim" told me that eagles have often checked out this osprey's nest in other Springs before flying further. However, this year, it looks serious. We shall try not to disturb them. However, I am sure we will drive by often in the coming months.