Sunday 30 August 2020

The Balcony Scene from ...

 It was Thursday August 20th, after a paddle, after photographing several herons, that I chanced to lookout on the scene below:

Actually, moments before it looked like this:

Herons, Kingfishers, Gulls, are quite common during the Summer with Osprey and Mergansers frequent, too. Eagles and Owls are visitors in Winter.

So spoketh the WOB!

Caught in the act

 I am in my kayak, a meter or so from landing, when I see this incredible scene:

Now who is a wise old bird?

Sunday 16 August 2020

A Postcard from Bluebird Ranch

 To think that  I had never seen a bluebird until I came to Carden just a few years ago.

The Pleiades rising around midnight in August:

Until recently there would also have been a tree with a sculptured owl in this setting. However, its tree

is now down in the foreground.

It is the Moon rising.

I am now on my roost for the night!


August Fireworks

 The Perseids continue through cloud and storm.

I started out yesterday evening at home:

and wondered what the tea pot might be filled with. So I went around to McGill via Forest and stopped for a few minutes to watch:

The tea pot was nearly full of cumulus. And there was lightning in the air. And not just that -

There might have been a religious observance not related directly to St Lawrence's tears. 

I stopped off at Leacock but there were far too many lights polluting every direction. So I returned home to where I started.


We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.


Saturday 15 August 2020

The Search for Waldo, the Wise

 Now Waldo has left a trail:

So one needs to know that I am seeking NEOWISE on the night of Fri/Sat Aug 14/15 at about 2AM UTC. So a more detailed sky chart is required:

You can begin to see the problem - the horizon and at the local time of 10PM or 22:00 there is still twilight there in the West plus light pollution from lights pointing skyward to help the aliens land and kidnap some uncle, I have heard.

Note Arcturus and Muphrid and find them in both the upper chart where the comet path is depicted and the next chart which goes very faint:

Same orientation.

And now where is Waldo the WISE?

Arcturus is in the upper right and then below and right but still above the middle you can see the group of stars "headed" by Muphrid.

Please let me know - WOB

Thursday 13 August 2020

Moonrise at Bluebird Ranch on Wednesday August 12, 2020

 It is so rare to have such a string of clear nights - and clear mornings. Consider what the rain did last weekend to the rivers near Washago last weekend:

Or the weather where we our daughter is now living:

And then we had this:

The "tree owl" is still there but nolonger standing. Pleiades are now front and centre above Wylie.