Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Pin the "white tail" on the deer

 Friends might know that once a week NATURE posts a photo with a Rock hopper penguin named Leif hidden somewhere in the photo.

So today I went for a hike at one of the Couchiching Conservancy "properties" following the white trail blazes on trees. I was on a hillside facing a little stream flowing from a little pond just south of Monck Rd - I could see it and see and hear traffic. But I could not see any more trail blazes. So I stopped and spent some minutes looking at trees, rather than woods. No luck there. However, I heard the noise ahead of me, across the stream and on the opposite hillside. When what to my wondering eyes should appear! I swear, I didn't steal this from the "Night before Christmas" story - the deer was bounding along, crossed the stream and then stopped about 5m short of me - her next bound would have surprised both of us! Deer on me, so to speak. I spoke not a word, I stood stock still. The deer too. Maybe 2 seconds? And then it bounded off as dry leaves before a hurricane fly! How observant!

The camera was on. I shot from the hip,

And away it, the deer, flew like the down of a thistle:


So can you find it? I thought I had missed it. 

So was it luck? Or the Boy Scout" "Be Prepared"? Maybe both - the 1st time I looked at the photos I could not see the deer at all. Now I have it in 2 of the 4 shots I took. If you don't write, I won't reveal where the deer appears.

And to all a better night's sleep - cannot see aurora with this bright Moon:


Well? Maybe? Hardly ever, a big big "D"!

So after 6 weeks nobody has bother to find "Whitey", the White-tail deer. I despair!

I guess  I am not in the same league as Leif Penguinson


Still, I do want to share the answer with you.



So when you are ready ....














 Was that so difficult?

And right in the centre, more or less.   WOB

1 comment:

  1. I received a letter from "Flora" and the gang at NATURE today! So never give up hope, WOB, someone is out there. So I hope that common sense will be restored in those many "high places" in this world - soon, please!
