Saturday, 1 January 2022

Happy New Year, again

 Well, maybe not quite the same, please? If a registered nurse can think I am younger than Springtime, or at least under 70, then maybe the wise old bird is still capable of flying? Does anyone search for Leif Penguinson? I found him the other day mixing with Trumpeters:

But that was yesteryear. And today is a brand new day, month and year. Let us hope it is a better one than of late.

Like dancers,

Let us remember, and try to do better - WOB


  1. Wunderbare Fotos zu einer weltweiten Tradition. Ein Silvester ohne ein paar Raketen und Feuertänzer wäre doch sehr traurig. Zum Glück haben in Erfurt viele so gedacht.
    Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für das neue Jahr!
