Friday 2 August 2024

I need batting practice

 I haven't swung a bat in ages - not even a golf club in anger. So I limited myself to a dozen swings and this is what I got today:

That is toward Leacock from Tudhope - the background is maybe 300+m away.

The following is a diving sequence:

With its black head I guess this is a Caspian Tern.

Here is another diving sequence;

The above shot is for context. The tern is difficult to see at 200m, the forest at the left is

300m+ away, the two trees around 550m, and the blue background is 8km away.

The tern turned a couple of times:

and then it dove:

And enhanced(?):


Don't know that it caught anything -

I wonder what I would be like catching a falling star?

One can always dream,



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