Friday 27 January 2017

Friday - again - +4C - again - back lit

You bored too? It is snowing but there is still surface water on the lake - so no skiing or shoeing there, although that has not stopped some fools taking their soles out for a last(?) airing.

So what to do?

These are 2 ghosts from time past - the lighthouse for Orillia's harbour, and Christmas decorations from maybe last year, or maybe they were never taken down from years ago?. The photo was taken yesterday afternoon while I was out walking, attending "SALT" talks about diabetes. Michael, one of the few instances of sunshine that I told you about earlier today. The above photo is more or less the total scene with some contrast enhancements.

Now to "play":

They are distinct photos with different lighting - the clouds were dense with snow.

Vicki is also bored. So now we are going shopping. Do write if the photos are worth a comment, please.


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