Hanging up a wreath at the front door:
Comes complete with door knocker. Maybe if you look from the side?
Stay safe - WOB
Hanging up a wreath at the front door:
Comes complete with door knocker. Maybe if you look from the side?
Stay safe - WOB
I was outside sunning myself -
when our Son.day Male delivery arrived - from Rory, if there was any doubt,
Not much difference - except our "strand" is whiter than his!
Off my left palm we have a willow and off my right palm we have an oak -
And we our fresh water Cenote
Happy Holidays,
Scenes from yesterday - all my troubles seemed so far away - and they are! The joys of condo life, Jim.
This was maybe our 5th snowfall this Autumn and probably won't last with a heatwave approaching us soon. Still "fun" while it lasts.
It is a matter of point-of-view:
How much is luck? I am not a tree, I can move:
Luck or gold is where you are and what you choose to do.
The first Snow birds have left. There is still a trickle of migrants passing through. However, in general, the rest of us are here for the Winter. Will the lake freeze or should we dawn our dry suits and practise walking on water solong it remains liquid?
Yesterday a student kindly demonstrated the proper use of the feet while walking on water:
Now, in fairness, the student did sometimes get a little wet -
Sometimes he got just a little excited -
So don't give up, keep trying - WOB
We had been talking about what we might do if we ever stopped climbing the walls when Donald phoned to say he had sighted some Sandhill cranes the day before. So off we went like the down of a thistle. First a few showers. Then we saw traces of snow on the ground, And then our first hawk - maybe Redtail?
Then we reached the road where Donald had reported seeing some Sandhills. We saw lots at maybe 4 different locations, each having 100s of birds, maybe a total of 700 to 800 with that kind of uncertainty. It would be possible to count the birds but I have not done so. (I have trouble counting to 6 in order to play "Chopsticks" so you might understand my reluctance just now.)
In just these 2 photos there are over 90 cranes.
However, what really touched me were the Starlings - again a large number, potentially countable, not as many as I saw off the Rail Trail North about 5-6 years ago and recorded elsewhere in this blog.
I do not know if I really expected any comments to "seeing red" or not?
Sometimes one over-reacts? Maybe? It is sometimes difficult to see red:
There is too much, Barry - can you see the red head? Maybe this is better:
I can see it is a woodpecker, but is it a Hairy or more likely a Downy?
I did not think the bill was long enough for a Hairy, Both species are found right here on occasion - that they are found!
wise but wobbily