Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Earth Hour Montreal - Westmount

Friends for 50 years invited us to help celebrate/promote awareness of Earth Hour.

This was the setting on Mont Royal in Friday night (Mar 27): 2 concerned citizens look out over Montreal

There are a lot of lights:

I think Toronto is worse from what I have seen in the ad breaks for nighttime sports events in TO.

The problem is that the lighting is neither efficient nor safe:

Note that the streetlight in the lower left is 360 degrees UPward too.

Well that was Friday. Now onto Sat. I made a couple of comets in Victoria Hall and so only have 2 images that show the effects of EH. I took the first exposure of 30 sec on a tripod:
                                        There is moonlight as well as the long exposure.
This exposure is 240 times longer than the one below taken after the lights came back on:

Moonlight played a role on the 30 second exposure of Vic Hall with Jupiter and the moon in the upper right:

Inside the Hall there were many exhibits and talks and a pipe band to set the "tone".

Comet Westmount was also well observed:

Earth Hour was well organized, lots of fun, but seriously - over too quickly. We/I must practise this on a daily basis, lead by example and be patient. Baby steps, walk, run, panic! Are we too little too late? I hope not for our children and all life on earth - even politicans!  wob

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