Tuesday 4 October 2016

Fri Oct 4, 1957 - and 2016

I know where I was at 8pm that evening!

Have I changed much? (Comstock Trophy for breaking 2 of the windows seen in the background) I
never wore spikes while playing baseball.

And today I watched a bridge being emplaced and colours unfolded.

The crew were very polite, considerate - no colourful language. However, you should see the colour:

I shall try to get some of the dozens of impressions from Algonquin - Portage, Art, Outfitters  - reduced and on this blog soon.



  1. Nice pictures, brother! I am grateful you dropped by for the event when I couldn't. And every year the leaves amaze me as they display such brilliant colours. Anne

  2. If I'm your brother, then you are my sister - and Bob was our uncle! Happy clarinetting.
