Saturday 31 October 2015

$20 (Canadian) first course. And an Update from Nov 10

Even later on Thursday afternoon, just west of the Tower of Babel is Moraine Lake and the Valley of the 10 Peaks, even if not all were visible through the low clouds.

We now have plastic money and this scene has unfortunately been replaced. There are however lots of "signs" from the past. The sign of the Notmans, of course:
There are a couple of other posted to help you identify the setting:

You cannot help but notice the "fans" below the peaks "flowing into the lake. What ever happened to the trees that were growing there?

Visitor for visitor, this ranks with Niagara Falls.

The peaks had Cree names and non Cree names. This one is named after J. Tuzo Wilson, who taught many of us about Alfred Wegner and plate tectonics in the 1960s at U of T.

Lets leave these reflections and proceed to our last stop for today: Lake Louise - wob

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