Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Birds of a feather flock together

Just a quicky from yesterday - actually almost a duplicate of 12 months ago.

South-west of Strongville - maybe a couple dozen wild turkeys, They were right up to the
small country sideroad. However, I had to stop the car to get my camera and that set them off. The photos were taken from inside the car, window down. -10C


Sunday, 29 January 2017

Homestead Trail 2007

Rory and I were preparing to hike in Killarney Provincial Park by hiking in Scout Valley. Our trainer helped us a lot

Hope everyone enjoys the memories


Saturday, 28 January 2017

Scout Valley

I walked the "Homestead Trail"
Just 2km, maybe half untrodden. I usually run this route, or walk parts to view the dragonflies on the "Alvar-like" plain a few 100m from the start. The forest is mostly deciduous - so open - and airy, ideal for a winter's walk.

I met 5 people, 2 dogs, and one woodpecker.

No such thing as a dull day! (Maybe a dull person?)


Friday, 27 January 2017

Friday - again - +4C - again - back lit

You bored too? It is snowing but there is still surface water on the lake - so no skiing or shoeing there, although that has not stopped some fools taking their soles out for a last(?) airing.

So what to do?

These are 2 ghosts from time past - the lighthouse for Orillia's harbour, and Christmas decorations from maybe last year, or maybe they were never taken down from years ago?. The photo was taken yesterday afternoon while I was out walking, attending "SALT" talks about diabetes. Michael, one of the few instances of sunshine that I told you about earlier today. The above photo is more or less the total scene with some contrast enhancements.

Now to "play":

They are distinct photos with different lighting - the clouds were dense with snow.

Vicki is also bored. So now we are going shopping. Do write if the photos are worth a comment, please.


Thursday, 26 January 2017

testing times: snow at +5C

Actually, I am being tested by a new operating system which is raising my body temp - hence maybe I am causing local warming?

These are former Orillia residents looking out on Lake Couchiching from Tudhope Park.

Back-lit for February. This orchid has been blooming for a couple of months. But this next one had a brief but glorious ending:

A piece of Canadian lore - in January.


Friday, 20 January 2017

English - Deutsch - the reagen does not stay in Spain

What a day

Where have all the flowers gone? Wohin mit den Blumen - nicht nach Vereinigten

So Volker:
Mehr = More
Reagen = Trump

It is foggy here  - alles klar wie diche Tinte   besser:  clear as mud


Thursday, 19 January 2017

Mehr Regen - II

Too wet to walk, beautiful reflections from the surface water on the lake.

These are from Wednesday.  Water skiing anybody? (I made these tracks several days ago)


Wednesday, 18 January 2017

More Rain

Volker hat Probleme mit Englisch - so die Bilder sind auf Deutsch! And for the rest of
us we'll have to manage without.

Freezing Rain by 2C - later 5C  /  Gefrierende Nasse

Schanzentisch - the "table" at the bottom of a ski hill from which they jump. Schnee/snow = 40cm tief/deep. Com'on Volker!


Tuesday, 17 January 2017

It is still raining - again - here in Oro Medonte/Spanish plains

Very dull day. So here are some shots from a couple of days ago to brighten the spirit. I like clouds and lighting. Some of the shots are from Scout Valley which has not featured too often recently - will try to do better.

Some were taken from the balcony - do you recognize a familiar twig?


Thursday, 12 January 2017

A little foxy - Rain in Spanish Orillia

First, it is warm, and I may be suffering from heat stroke

Have I made a statement?

I went for a run yesterday - I think I looked respectable? Maybe?

Maybe, I was not running but doing a fox trot?


Tuesday, 10 January 2017

A sign of life?

It snowed all day - visibility under 1km for most of it. And here is a Darner hibernating from a friend?